Wednesday, December 26

homemade recipes......(book rieview)

hay lovies
hope you had a holly jolly Christmas and the big guy got you everything you wanted. we had a lovely day with lots of mess giggling films and food what more could you want hay hehe.
i got a book this year off my mummy and I'm so excited to use it if you don't already know i love cook books i love looking at the photos and seeing how yummie and easy everything is too cook well this year coming (2013) I'm going to try and cook everything in this cook book.
things i love about this book....
my favourite thing about this book is it is full of everyday easy to cook simple meals. like meals you would eat everyday. tuna pasta bake, roast chicken,homemade fish cakes and carbonare are just a few recipes I'm excited to learn how to cook properly (not just my bang stuff together and it it tastes how i think it should then its good) cooking properly is one think I'm really interested in i want to be able to feed my family health home cooked yummieness
 i love how each page has a cute little border and big pictures and it has the 1,2,3..... sections so you don't have to keep reading the same parts over and over because you've lost your place. (I'm forever doing that) this list of ingredients is neat and tidy and always layed out the same on each page.

i made my own jam last September and it lasted us until the following June it was so yummie too i made black berry jam and this year I'm going to try making a few different flavours. also i wanna make apple sauce to give to Taylor as her pudding its so easy and Ive not given it her since she was about 9months old if i remember right she loved it. also shows you how to make marmalade Ive never tried this and it looks so yummie.

Ive also never been able to make roasties properly i always cheat and par boil the potatoes then dunk them in the fryer so I'm looking forward to giving this one a try look how good them roasties look. as part of this I'm going to be comparing the meals from the book to how mine look in real life haha as Ive always found that the photos in the book never look as good as the final product i come out with in the end.  i thought it would be fun
so overall i love this book i also like the opening line on the back cover "this is a wonderful collection of traditional, tasty recipes, full of fail-safe favourites and warming comfort food" hehe as i read this i was thinking this is so made for me. so wish me luck with this project i hope i can keep it up.
thanks for reading guys and dolls
p.s how cute is this its one of the little extras that are on each page...


Thursday, December 20

need some get up and go

hay lovers
so what can i say I'm sat here watching don't tell the bride thinking my house is a mess and I'm just sat here watching TV. i really don't like feeling like this i wanna just get up and start cleaning and make my flat look like a home again rather than all the clothes out on the dryers scattered around the place. i never seem to want to look after this place i hate living here the only plus side is its cheep rent but all the other bills are just as high as a house. would be lovely if we could afford a proper place i don't want much just a small two bed house with a little garden and some heating instead we are in a one bedroom flat with has hold in the outside walls damp and cold as well as a long list of other things. so my 2013 goal list is
  • open the business
  • be a better mummy
  • eat better food (a million less take outs)
  • try not to worry about everyone in the world but me and my family
  • save money like a crazy girl
  • enjoy more family time
not many things to aim for but these things are important to me what are your goals in 2013 tell me we should aim for them together
so right now I'm gonna get off my arse and clean this flat and make it in to at least 10% of the beautiful home I'm dreaming of life will get better its about looking at how far we have come and remembering we are still moving forward x
thanks for reading my rant i don't have these too often

Saturday, December 8

what i ate today........

hay sweeties
i thought it would be a fun post to show you what Ive eaten in a day cause anyone that knows me knows i love food ha ha. if you like this post leave me a comment i will make it a regular thing might give people ideas about what to make maybe. also i will do a what my toddler ate Tuesday let me know if that sounds good too.
so for breakfast today i had rolled oats cooked with milk with banana honey and a little sugar cause i like my breakfast sweet. i love porridge it can be eaten in so many different ways with so many different fruits and it always keeps me full until dinner. i find it really hard to keep myself full i got in to the habit of eating when i am bored and as of right  now i am trying to get out of this habit because i know its no good for me. plus oats are so cheap we get a big bag for 75p and they last us at least 3 weeks so all in all i love porridge. i want to try and make some oaty muffins to try and get Taylor eating more oats and fruit she likes fruit but some days its so hard to get her to eat any any one know any tricks?
for lunch i had half a scotch egg and prawn cocktail with boiled egg tomatoes and cucumber on whole grain bread it was scrummy they used to sell prawns and boiled egg sandwiches where i used to work and my mum use to have them all the time. me i didn't like the look of them until one day she got me to try one and oh gosh i fell in love if you've not tried it please do its so good. i couldn't find prawns on there own in my local shop so i used prawn cocktail and it was just as good the sauce make it even better i think. I'm also not enjoying white bread that much at the moment. i think Ive ate too much of it. but I'm discovering my love for whole grain again. some times you just need a change things get samie other wise.
 for tea we had chicken wrapped in bacon stuffed with soft cheese this was so good with chicken flavor rice and a big yummie salad. i don't eat many salads in the winter i always feel like comfort food so this was a nice change from what we have been having the past few weeks
thanks for reading guys and dolls

mommy OOTD........

hay folks
how are we all?? just a short outfit of the day post. just popped to the shops and the park with Taylor and had some yummy dinner. so here is what i wore. just cosy clothing and had my hair down as I've been having it up lots at the moment so thought i would give my hair a brake.
cardi - newlook
leggings - primark
top - thrifted
long sleeve top - primark
boots - Liverpool st johns market
thanks for reading guys and dolls

i've become an addict.............

hay lovelies
so this week we did our Christmas shopping crazy leaving it till almost last minuet i know but we did, we had such an awesome time looking in all the lovely shops we went on the train down to Liverpool missed all the rain, that stayed in north wales  so that was a good thing. we got loads of goodies for Taylor ready for Christmas and mark spoilt me (his too good to me) he got me a brand new changing bag "that i am in love with by the way" and some cosy warm boots. any who as we were walking about we noticed they had opened up a lush shop in Liverpool I've always loved the smell of a lush shop as you walk past but i had never been in and today i was enjoying the smell so much i just walked in ha ha. We got shown so many of there products by the staff who were all so friendly and bubbly chatting with them about the products was like telling my best friend about something i really love it was so much fun.
we couldn't leave with out buying some thing the shop was just so full of little surprises.
purple glitter - space girl
red play dough - fun
pink and white - the comforter
bar of blue soap- snow globe
the purple flying saucer shaped one was a bath bomb we bought for Taylor it fizzed and left her bath a lovely purple colour with glitter bit floating in it she loved it. she was giggling so much while it was fizzing (too cute) it also left her smelling like Berry's and sweets mixed it was so nice <3 we also got the bright red stuff called fun we got given this as a sample it smells like tuti fruties and once its wet you can play with it like play dough but not only that its also a soap for your body and it can be used as shampoo awesome stuff the full size is on my shopping list.
the soap bar we got for mark its like a light blue colour with white flakes inside that look like snow flakes i think snow globe is the perfect name it foams up lots and it lasts ages as its not too soft we chopped this block up and mark has 3 bars of soap out of it pretty good i think. and the best part it smells like lemons and limes its a stunning citrus smell.
for me we got the comforter bubble bar you brake off a peace i used a knife and made this in to 8 then take the part you broke off (or chopped in my case) and crumble it under the running tap as you fill your bath. trust me you don't need any more than that small bit you get so many bubbles its unreal really worth the money you pay. it also turned my bath water PINK (come one what girly cant say no to a pink bath full of bubbles) it smells like hot blackcurrant and leaves your skin so super soft its like being wrapped in a cloud.
all together we spent just over £12 and we say its money well spent i have my eyes on a few more products i want to get my hands on lets hope i can get to lush before Christmas is over.
thanks for reading guys and dolls
 p.s this was not a paid review

Monday, December 3

yummie goodies......

hay curvy lovelies
so this week we have been eating home cooked meals every night and its been so nice and cosy cuddled up in the evening with a big plate of yummy filling food. i made a scrummy chicken pot pie made the pie crust all by myself too it was so nice and we made so much we had the same the next day i found the recipe on candid mommy her youtube is amazing and Jen and her family are so much fun i love how much cooking she does it makes me want to cook more.
so yummie and so filling but next time I'm not using tined carrots on the side they were not so yummie
i also popped gammon in with my chicken for more flavor
me and Taylor also made double choc muffins these were so good i ate about 3 in one day naughty i know but ill live
Taylor and mark loved them too but there are still some left as they made about 16 from the mix i found this recipe on you tube again clairelou09011988 i love watching Claire as she is a fluffy bum loving home and children loving lady from the UK i don't know many youtubers from the UK x
any who this was a lovely meal and i hope you try the recipes out
thanks for reading guys and dolls

Thursday, November 29


hay Love's
i can't believe its almost December this year has flew by Taylor's almost 18 months old and me and mark have been together 4 years this may i think time goes by fast when your enjoying life well it does for me anyway this post is going to be filled with all the people Ive been lucky enough and thank full to have in my life it just wound not be the same with out you all x
first of all my auntie Helen this lady is strong clever and most of all there for me and my family Helen is like my big sister picking me up when i get knocked down always just an email text or phone call away no matter what time of day Helen and her hubby john have been a god send to our family helping us in every way passable. we love coming to see you all and we love that Taylor's growing up with you all in her life.
my cousins these kids make me so happy they are silly and lovable always happy they all keep me smiling
my marky moo bear (hehe) this guy is my world along with out little girly he loves me no matter what is a strong provider and a loving hubby to be he keeps our love happy strong and never dull I'm never gonna grow tired of this man.
my amazing happy smiley clever little girly wouldn't change her for the world waking up to her kisses and cuddle everyday make life worth living ♥
there are many more people i am thankful for these are just a small few i will save the others for future posts so for now thank you for reading and chat soon guys and dolls

Thursday, November 22

wonder, toddler, and ttc.......

hay lovelies
living in north wales i look around me and see all the wonder all the mountains the rivers and the sea the forests  and wonder i wonder about nothing and everything all at once some times its like i forget I'm an adult i look around me at all these wonderful things and places and wonder... does anyone else see the world the way i do? does anyone else imagine beautiful photographs appearing before their eyes. does anyone want to let the inner child go and run free make dens and climb trees make believe fairies are real and collect shells on the beach maybe I'm like this because sometimes things get hard and things get on top of me as they do in every life and i don't think enough people let go of the tension. i strongly believe we should all look around ourselves more and take in the beautiful things we walk on by everyday tell me what do you see in the world you live in.
this was the amazing view me and Taylor had the luxury of seeing yesterday while eating our picnic ill views like this never get old and its lovely that i get to spend time making memories with Taylor in places like this we ate sandwiches played on the park close by and walked for miles it was a wonderful day.
my baby is growing so fast she loves music, singing, bath, time, exploring, crafting, painting and many many more things i love the little girl she is becoming she surprises me and makes me laugh smile and makes my heart melt everyday.
and this little girl discovered puddles yesterday it was so sweet watching her get all excited about the splash her feet made when she stomped
and well as for ttc as far as we know were doing everything right i feel pregnant but all the tests are saying no :( but I'm not due my monthly's until the 28th so time will tell if not this month maybe a Christmas present will be amazing hehe
thanks for reading guys and dolls

Tuesday, October 23

take 5 for me.......

hay curvy creators
how are we all? I'm having one of them days where no matter how hard i try not to let things get to me it just doesn't work and i get stressed over every little thing. I'm sure we all have them really just when your the person having one you just want the world to have an off button don't you. well right now Taylor's having a nap the one she has been fighting since around 11am it is now 3pm and I'm sat n the sofa with a cuppa browsing fabric picking out some lovely bits to make Taylor a beautiful Christmas dress. i have a pile of dishes to was a wash load done and just sat in the washer and tea to start doing and well to be honest i don't care right now i just need to take 5 for me.
while hunting for fabric Ive come across some darling little things so i thought i would share with you lovely folk.
these are so sweet i have a pattern for these shoes somewhere around might give them a bash found these on etsy
i just fell in love with this fabric i look gingerbread its yummy and always makes me think of Christmas found also on etsy
dolls and daydreams have a new pattern just come out i love this little fellow might have to buy this and give it a go Taylor would love him
i love snow globes they are beautiful this would look so lovely on the top of our fire at Christmas time when the trees all lit up found this here
thanks for reading guys and dolls seems i like ginger bread right now
p.s I'm a little Christmas mad there will be some Halloween posts coming up x

Monday, October 22

meal plan monday.........

hay lovelies  
Ive been planing my weekly meals for a few months now and Ive saved so much money so why not show you all how i do it and what we eat all week this week I'm using a ready made template from Mine for the Making  this week we are having lots of chicken cause i got it from the butcher for £10 for 10 breasts super good deal  going back there next week to get our meat again. i only really plan dinner for everyday as we usualy have something like butties or soup or wraps for dinner we have all this stuff left over from last week as we got lots last week.

this week we spent £33 on food we do have the basics like flour, eggs and breakfast cereal and a little bit of fruit in as we always have things like that in usually left over from the week before haha
tonight i make  roast chicken but cheated they has no stuffing when i went shopping we shop at Aldi just in case you were wondering and also the butchers. next week will be a bit more of a mix of things not just chicken but as we love chicken we don't mind.
(btw they are  roasties but ive changed my oil in my frying pan)
i make all my own sauces for the pasta and the casserole and pasta bake and always make my own dumplings and pie crust its easy saves money and means we are not putting all the ready make crap in to our bodies and in case your thinking what does Taylor eat she eats what we eat just smaller plate full
thanks for reading guys and dolls
p.s if you liked this post please let me know by leaving a comment thank you

Saturday, October 20

Autumn Wants......

hay curvy lovers
oh my how Ive been caught up...... i cant believe its Autumn already  i love this time of the year blankets tea and coco, all the beautiful colours in the trees and people wrapped up in mittens and hats looking all cosy. here is a little list of some Autumn buys i would just love to own/make everyone should cuddle up together at this time of year don't you think?
i think this would be stunning on Taylor with some cream tights and lovely little dolly shoes and a cute cardi i love anything ruffles hehehe found on etsy not too much ether.
CINNAMON, CLOVE, and NUTMEG with a wooden wick really....... how could i say no this would be lovely burning right now found also on etsy
i am addicted to irregular choice shoes they are so different and cute i love these boots would look stunning with a frock and some rights dont you think?
i am going on my first night out in over 2 years at the end of this month and honestly i would of loveds to buy this dress of at least attempt to make it but not having the time or money i can just dream this was also found on etsy
just a few from a very long list of Amy wants hehe but ill save the others for another day
thanks for reading guys and dolls

Tuesday, October 2


hay lovers
just a quick one this morning of my outfit of the day on Monday enjoy x
thanks for reading guys and dolls

Sunday, September 30

late night curve

hey curvy lovers
i love doing these post cause every time i do it reminds me of how beautiful my body is i love being bigger i don't see why a lot of girls think being bigger and curvy are a bad thing love your lump's and bumps and feel happy in your own skin life is so much more fun when your not caught up in how you look all the time <3
this is Tess i follow her blog and her tumblr she is beautiful and i love the way she dresses every thing she wears looks amazing on her <3
i have no idea who this is but gosh she is stunning love her out fit too
i love this photo its so 40s cute 
wow those hips are lovely
do you have any hang ups if so forget them i hated my big arms for years even when I'm skinny i have chubby arms so i just learnt to love them
thanks for reading guys and dolls