Friday, July 12

water and foam sensory play

Hay lovies 
Taylor loves water if she had the choice park or bath she would pick bath any day of the week (OK well maybe not every time but she really does love water)
I've been working on more sensory play with her. I want to teach her and let her experiment  with new textures smells and sights.

This week we set up a water box on her aqua draw mat 

We had a bucket spade rake and sea creature shapes that we got for just £1 from the pound shop also some glass beads they cost 89p and some paint brushes she has from an art set 

Taylor ohhh'ed and squeaked  when she caught eye of what we were doing she poured and scooped and raked and filled learning new  words as well as the new texture of all the water on the plastic and glass pebbles 

Once she started losing interest (that took a whole hour) we pulled out the shaving gel moved the box of water to one side and covered the aqua draw mat with it. 

Taylor really enjoyed this drawing in the foam and trying to stand up and slipping over had both her and me and mark cracking up she also took a liking to painting her self with it too after daddy showed her how fun it was 

Picking up the glass pebbles was more tricky now they are covered in foam this took more concentration now but every time one slips out of her hand she let out a delightful giggle 

Words like slippy,shiny, tickle,brush,draw,wobble and mess were just some of the ones Taylor learnt while playing with shaving foam 

Over all this was really fun easy to clean up i just popped the aqua draw mat in the bath and showered it off and its as good as new. We had a blast and it was amazing watching Taylor learn so much in just two hours. let me know if you do things like this with you're children id love to see others ideas 
Thanks for reading guys and dolls

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